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Environmental Respect

We are committed to using natural resources wisely and protecting our environment for the benefit of future generations. Our Environmental RESPECT Policy details this commitment in the areas of Responsibility, Efficiency, Stewardship, Performance, Evaluation, Communication and Training.


Advancing the Development of Cleaner Energy

Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s businesses responsibly manage and mitigate the impact of our operations on the environment. We are striving to achieve a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 from 2005 levels and net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in a manner our customers can afford, our regulators will allow and technology advances support. Our journey centers around increasing noncarbon generation and energy storage, investing in transmission infrastructure and reducing utilization of coal units. We will continue to explore innovative ways to use existing fossil-fueled resources to maintain system reliability and provide service to our customers in a more carbon-friendly way.

Looking to the Future

Our efforts to reduce the emissions of Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s generation fleet will continue. So will our efforts to work with policymakers as they create responsible environmental laws and regulations reflective of sound public policy. As we plan changes to our generation mix in response to regulatory requirements, we must strike a balance between environmental concerns and keeping electricity rates affordable for customers.

Our Core Principles